Sunglasses Lens Color: How to Choose Them

Why different colors, and when is best to wear them.

How To Choose the color of your sunglasses lenses, lens color, Sunglasses Lens Color
How To Choose your Sunglasses Lens Color

Why do you buy the lenses that you do?  I was recently asked why Sunglasses Lens Color seem to come in so many different varieties. There is a reason for this beyond just a style choice. Each lens color has a specific purpose, and is best used during a particular time or place.  Many people have been buying their lenses just because they like one color or another. What those people might not understand is that there are actually reasons why you would wear Copper lenses, or Blue Mirrors, if you want to catch more fish.

Watch and Win!

Click here to watch the video. Check out Breakline if you’re looking for a new pair of sunglasses!  I’m also going to be giving away a pair of Breakline Sunglasses. All you have to do to enter is subscribe to my YouTube channel and comment on the video!  Winner will be randomly selected on May 30th, 2017.  Good luck to everyone who enters!

Lastly, I know I mentioned this in my video, but I just wanted to say that it’s great to be back here at Fishidy.  I’ve enjoyed creating some cool content here in the past.  I have some really cool stuff that I’m working on this year.  I think you’ll enjoy it.